
Monday, February 25, 2013

NASCAR Provided a Bigger Wreck Than My Long Run

February is almost over! I feel like I am just burning my time until that happens because I just dislike this month so very much. I am the type of person that needs something to look forward to for day to day and week to week, and February just doesn't have much of that; I mean, when I am looking forward to the Daytona 500, you know things are a little dull!

Regardless, I have made it this far, and I have found ways to cope. This past week had some highlights, both in training and otherwise, so I was able to make things bearable. Training-wise, I was really happy with my early week runs (even though they had to be on a treadmill in order to wear my Vibrams). I also had a powerful and successful lifting session on Wednesday evening. I really wish I had had time to blog during the week because it was just one of those sessions where weights didn't feel as heavy, and I was putting up everything. The problem is, I can't remember everything I did. I do know that I made a point of going heavy weight and lower reps all week because I had done so many circuits the previous week that involved body weight and higher reps.

As for running, which I consider the main event, I had one of my best runs ever and one of my worst, all on the same weekend. Saturday was a gorgeous day, and I was able to get out in my Fivefingers for 5 miles. I did wear my new Injinji toe socks with them, which was phenomenal, and I crushed the run from beginning to end. I knew it would be a great run when I started because I hit the first mile at a casual 8:00 pace - I had to do a double-take. After that, I just continued to push, and I never felt like I was working that hard. I ended up doing the 5 miles with an average pace of 7:40 - boo yah!

Oh, then came Sunday - son of a... I get angry just thinking about it! I had to get 12 miles in, and I should have done it in the morning, but I have lazy bones. Instead, I wait until after work, so I didn't get back in until close to 7. We were having people over for the Oscars, so the whole thing felt rushed. Additionally, it was cold, I was hungry, and I hadn't fueled correctly the night before or during the day - in essence, I broke every running rule and it happened to be on a long run day - ugh.

I felt sluggish the whole time, my calves were on fire from the start, my socks kept shifting, I had to pee, and I just wasn't in it. Regardless, I pushed through, and I am better for it. I woke up with sore knees and calves, but by noon the next day, I was close to 100%.

On a brighter note, I chose my long run to try some new goodies. As you may have read, I had used Gu gel shots previously, and they were basically disgusting. This time, I went to the running store and picked up the Gu Blocks shown above. Additionally, since they were right below on the rack, I grabbed some Nuun to throw in the ol' Camelbak. The blocks were an improvement for sure because they tasted 100 times better! I would say they fueled me just as well, and I liked the overall ease of use. Plus, I felt like I was eating something a little more real and solid - I would recommend them, unless you don't have the room (the package is a little bigger than the gels).

The Nuun, on the other hand, was a little underwhelming. If you don't know, Nuun is a tablet you add to water to supplement electrolytes. Essentially, this is far more important if you sweat a lot, so I think I will wait until it goes warmer. The taste was pretty good though, and it didn't leave too goop up my saliva too much. Eventually I will try doing a 50/50 Gatorade to water mix too, which has been mentioned to me before. I just wanted to see what all the Nuun hubbub was about.

For Laughs:

Where do babies come from?

Do you use Nuun? Thoughts?

What kind of long-run-fuel do you use?

Is it warming up by you, or are you dealing with all those blizzards?

Did you miss me this week?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I have never tried nuun. Just doesn't sound that great to me. But I do love chomps, blocks, and just about anything chewable. But I have found during a race, the gels are a bit easier to take and move on. Glad you are back. I, too, am hoping this month is over soon!

    1. The gel was like squeezing peanut butter in my mouth because it just got stuck there. I still had to wash down the chomps, but I felt like that was more just a natural drink, not because I had to get it off the roof of my mouth. Haha

  2. I'm glad to see your post too. I've been slacking a bit, but I plan on posting sometime tonight or tomorrow morning.

    I haven't tried Nuun either, but I have a little sample packet in my cupboard. I never think to drink that or Gatorade, I guess. I like chews on my long runs. I have also had power bars--again more like real food than a gel. I think they are both pretty easy to eat while running, but some people don't like having to chew much.

    No blizzards here. This weekend it is actually supposed to be in the low 70s!! I'm pumped.

    1. Low 70s?! That sounds amazers! I am happy when it is in the 40s!

      I will be looking for your post. I am going to try and do some catching up with blogs this week.

  3. I'm excited that February is almost over too! I have never run more than 13 or 14 miles, so don't have much experience fueling on the run. For those distances I tried some sort of chews but they hurt my stomach. I also tried raisins, but they didn't feel good either. I really love just Gatorade on mid-distance runs, 10-14 miles.

    1. I am just going to have to play around with things, but I have a strong stomach, so I am more just looking for something that gives me the biggest boost at the tail-end of my run.

  4. Of course we all missed you this weekend :P

    Haha! Sperm don't actually look like the one in the picture :P It's really just a one long long long tail and a speck of a head. They're actually quite ugly under the microscope -.- Of course I would know all this...

    Ooh! I make homemade gatorade. It's literally a bit of orange juice, salt, honey, and water. Not great tasting but does the job for a poor student :D

    1. Take a new picture of the Sperm for me so I can be accurate ;)

      Whoa, fancy Gatorade recipe! Sounds like an interesting mix!

  5. I actually really like Nuun - not so much during (I don't like the fizzy while running), but definitely after. Around here, the electrolytes are important, and even though I think the taste is "meh", I appreciate being able to get the electrolytes without extra sugar.

    I really like Honey Stinger chews and Sports Beans for my run energy, unless I'm out on a long, meandering, walk/jog/run trail run - then I go for "real food": bananas, granola bars, raisins, etc.

    Of course I miss seeing your posts pop in - but frankly, living is more important than blogging about living. So do whatchya gotta do. :)

    1. I forgot to mention the fizzy! Yeah, that was a little odd, but I also didn't have a lot of Nuun in my camelbak to begin with.

      Yeah, life tends to be unpredictable, but I don't work that much on the weekends all the time, so hopefully I can get caught up this week. I miss reading everyone's blogs!

  6. That's awesome that you're 5 miles were a 7:40 pace! Wow, that's fast! And great job on getting out there for the 12, even though you weren't feeling it! As you know, the Nuun gagged me. I don't think I'll ever drink it again.
    I do use the GU gels for my long runs. I know a lot of people don't like the consistency, but it really doesn't bother me at all. I love the chews too, but have a hard time chewing them while I'm running.
    It's cold here, although we're not getting the blizzard that some places are getting. Feb. is my least favorite month too. Only a few more days until March, and then it will seem like Spring is just around the corner!

    1. March cannot come soon enough! As a man, I need March Madness and running in shorts!

  7. Never have tried Nuun - honestly I am weird when it comes to fueling during runs. I am a HUGE fan of Gu Chomps - I really think they do well. I am really trying to balance my pre-run fueling so that I don't have to use much during the runs. I am all about the water.water.water. On race days I do down a sports drink when it is offered.

    We have snow and keep getting more - it is making for LONG boring treadmill running. I miss the outdoors. Here is to a LONG run tonight INSIDE, ugh...

    1. I know the feeling ughhh.
      Never tried nuun...and yes missed you, in fact I visited your page twice to see if you had updated it!

    2. Less chance of getting spit on inside, at least!

      Yeah, pre-run fueling and hydrating is tricky!

  8. I have never really gotten into nuun either! I just discovered a new energy gel from Clif that I absolutely love! Double espresso!

    1. I will have to give the Clif version a shot. Right now, I am all about the experimenting!

  9. I try to use nuun after my runs (because I sweat like a BEAST!) but I just crave plain water during and after running.

    Good job on pushing through the long run. Regardless of how it felt, you were building endurance!!

  10. Babies come from storks. I never run long enough to require any of these long run "goodies" you speak of. Perhaps someday...
    Have a great weekend-Tara
