Second, I want to talk a little bit about weight. I was reading a post by TorontoRunner, so I was inspired to talk about my own weight issues. This is definitely a sensitive subject for anyone, but I feel like this is something I have only recently begun to concern myself with. Let me just use a picture to demonstrate my first point:
The picture of me on the left is from 2009. I found this picture a few days ago, and I was shocked. I didn't even recognize myself. I was happy at that point, but I most certainly wasn't happy. I was eating way too much and getting no exercise. Quite frankly, I was lazy. Soon after this picture, I found myself n grad school; that was the end of laziness. Nothing like a few graduate level classes to make you productive. I also started to exercise a little, and I lost some weight.
The picture on the right was taken last week while on vacation. Clearly, there is a difference. I am 29, but I don't look or feel that old. Of course, this transformation didn't begin until last January. I fell off the wagon in 2011, and it took another large weight gain and confidence loss to realize things needed to change.
To be honest, a few things needed to happen in order to really get focused. I needed real motivation, and I found it in the mirror. I was finally able to see what I was becoming. No one ever said anything, but I wasn't getting around as well as I would like. Additionally, I wasn't make it through long days with the kind of energy I would like. I started to run and exercise as a way to lose weight. Then, when I realized I was actually pretty quick, and that I was becoming genuinely addicted to what I was doing, I became hooked. That is what I needed. I needed a reason to exercise beyond weight loss. I needed a way to really enjoy it.
It has been nearly a year since drastically changing my lifestyle, and I couldn't be happier. I will talk more about this when the new year comes around, but now fitness and looking good are synonymous with an enjoyment and happiness I haven't known before. I am far more confident than I ever have been. I even find that people treat me differently in a positive way. People are far more willing to do things for you when you don't look gross.
Looking good isn't everything, but it certainly helps. I like knowing that my lifestyle choices are positively impacting those around me. I like knowing that I will never stop now, and that I can really move forward towards my goals. I have new found faith in myself, and an outlet to vent frustration that otherwise would be kept inside. Everything about me is better now, and I am only going to improve.
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