Monday, November 12, 2012

Who Doesn't Love A Day Off?

So, I had the day off today for work, and what do I do? That's right, I spent two hours at the gym! I loved having the time to do whatever I want, so I did a full hour of cardio/crossfit. Then I hit the weights and retired on my own terms.

Yesterday I went for a short run because I wanted to test my knee after having done 6 miles the day before. I can't say it felt perfect, but I don't feel any major pain today. Even after the hour on the machine, I feel good. It just seems like something that will slowly get better with time. If I had the patience and metabolism to take a few weeks off, I would. I don't though, so it is just something I will have to be mindful of. Additionally, it gives me the excuse and motivation to work on my form. By the time the Flying Pig comes around, I will hopefully be in great form, with great form. This will be aided by my transfer to near barefoot running in March. The stronger my feet and legs, the longer I will be able to hold my form on long runs. I am excited about the possibilities of this move, as I am reading all about it in Born to Run. It makes so much sense that running without cushioning will help. We ran for thousands of years without fancy Nikes, so why do we need them? Time will tell, but I look forward to reporting on it.

As for my workout today, I feel like it hit it hard. I was covered in sweat by the end. Pretty sure the people at the gym think I am crazy because most of them are housewives basically walking on the treadmill, simply looking (and usually failing) to lose a few pounds. I'm not at the gym to look good; I am at the gym to get faster, stronger and more confident in my physical abilities (the looking good part is simply a bonus). Exercising to me has become something I love, not a chore. I think that is the key; the more you love it, the less likely you will be to give up or get injured. I need to run and work out like I need to eat. That is enough preaching for now, but if you are simply exercising to look good for someone else, you won't make it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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